Materiál: Polyuretan
Velikost vloček: 10 a 12mm
dodáváno v balíku:
délka:120cm (±5cm)
výška:80cm (±5cm)
šířka:100cm (±20cm)
Váha balíku: 300 (±50kg)
RPW s.r.o.
Nádražní 18, 471 24 Mimoň, Czech Republic, VAT : CZ27311252
IČO 273 11 252
1.Material Identification:
PUR flakes
2. Manufacturer Identification :
RPW s.r.o. Nádražní 18, 471 24 Mimoň
3.Material compositin :
% |
99 +/- 1 % |
Contents of other admixtures |
% |
max. 1 % |
Color |
multicolor |
Dimensions 10mm+/- 2 mm |
% |
> 80 |
Dimensions 3-5 mm |
% |
< 20 |
Dimensions below 3 mm |
% |
< 3 |
Combustibility |
TL 1010 |
Humidity |
% |
max. 14 |
4. Safety data
It is not a dangerous substance.
5. First aid :
The general rules of first aid apply.
6. Fire-fighting measures
PUR flakes comply with the TL 1010 standard..
The fire hazard is characterized as increased.
Decomposition temperature 140-220 °C
Ignition temperature 415-488 °C
Calorific value 29,5 MJ/kg
Flame temperature 2100 °C
Recommended extinguishing media : water (shattering current), powder, haevy, medium and light fire foam.
Notice : Combustion of PUR releases life-threatening toxic gases. Use self-breathing apparatus when extinguishing indoor.
7. Accidental release measures
No special measures required.
8. Instructions for handling and storage of PUR flakes
Store PUR flakes in the original packaging until the application site. Store in a dry enviroment. Process within 45 days.
9. Reactivity information
PUR flakes are stable and non-reactive.
10. Information on toxicological properties
PUR flakes are not toxicological.
11. Ecological information
PER flakes are ecologically processed
12. Information for the transport of PUR flakes
Transport PUR flakes in the manufacturer s packaging. Use a forklift or pallet truck for handling.
RPW s.r.o., Nádražní 18, 471 24 Mimoň, Czech republic
IČO: 273 11 252, DIČ CZ27311252
Tel.: (00420) 487 863 557
Mob.: (00420) 602 390 584
E-mail: rpw@rpw.cz, krejbich@rpw.cz